David Baloche

Staff Attorney

Mr. Baloche is a Staff Attorney at A Better Childhood. Since joining ABC in 2022, he has investigated child welfare agencies in several states, drafted class action lawsuits against those agencies, defended those lawsuits against attempts at dismissal, prevailed at trial, and defended those wins on appeal. Mr. Baloche has also published several articles contributing to scholarship in the field of child welfare and civil rights. He was a member of the NYC Bar Association Children and the Law Committee from 2023-2024, and he currently sits on the NYC Bar Association Civil Rights Committee.

 Mr. Baloche received his J.D. from Brooklyn Law School, where he was Notes Editor of the Brooklyn Law Review. He served his Edward V. Sparer Public Interest Fellowship at Children’s Law Center, where he represented children in Family Court proceedings; he interned at Legal Aid Society’s Special Litigation and Law Reform Unit, where he assisted attorneys with class action litigation on behalf of foster children; and he defended refugees in immigration court at Brooklyn Law School’s Safe Harbor Clinic. He received Brooklyn Law School’s highest recognition for pro bono legal work and was awarded Best Defense Brief at the International Criminal Court Moot.

 Before law school, David taught rhetoric and debate at several NYC high schools, including Poly Prep County Day School, Collegiate School, Stuyvesant High School, and Berkeley Carroll School. He earned a B.F.A. in Drama from New York University Tisch School of the Arts.


The Price of Parenthood, 4 N.C. Cvl. Rts. L. Rev. 236 (2024) (link)

Disentangling the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments: Pretrial Detainees and Due Process Rights After Kingsley v. Hendrickson, 53 Hofstra L. Rev. 59 (2024) (link)

Seen, Not Heard: Younger Abstention in Child Welfare Reform Litigation, 57 Akron L. Rev. __ (Forthcoming 2025)